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Age: 34, Party or principal: Independent Responsible Inclusive, Job and title: Wind-turbine maintenance business; Senior Counsel, Duke Energy Corp., Neighborhood: Fulton, Website:

Priority, if elected: a) Bring fresh eyes to City Hall, drawing on my experience as business-builder, father, husband, homeowner, and advocate for those in need. b) Cut red tape to enable job growth. c) Keep lid on property taxes by consolidating back offices of City Hall and Hennepin County and ending wasteful spending (for example, I oppose streetcar). d) Draw on private-sector experience delivering wind-turbine maintenance services to improve delivery of essential City services like police, fire, road paving, and road plowing. e) Implement education reform to make our public schools a world-class engine of opportunity for all children, not just some.

Ideas for job/population growth: Foster jobs by cutting red tape. Retain families by reforming schools. Reduce taxes by streamlining bureaucracy. Reduce city annoyances by paving and plowing roads better.

Ideas to reduce crime: Cut red tape to allow job growth (employed people rarely commit crimes). Prioritize hiring additional (well-disciplined) police trained in community policing strategies like bicycle patrols.

Ideas to lower property taxes: Stop buying extravagances like streetcars. Consolidate city and county back offices to cut costs. Reform schools to attract residents so tax burden spread more broadly.

Did you support or oppose the Minnesota Vikings stadium package, approved by the city in May 2012? Oppose. I understand the pro-stadium arguments, but there are higher priorities for how to spend $675 million (cost to city when financing costs included).

Should the city build a $200 million streetcar line along Nicollet and Central Avenues? No.

Should the mayor be allowed to appoint some school board members? Yes.

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