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Our son was a Scout who attended Many Point Scout Camp for several years near Ponsford, Minn. When he went the second year, our three daughters and I stayed in a cabin a lake at "Family Camp" while my husband and our son were in tents "Scout-side." We stayed at Family Camp every year until our children became counselors rather than campers. What made Family Camp so enjoyable were the activities. Family Camp is how my husband and I grew up. We were outside, playing, making our own fun with our friends. Family Camp has a swimming area, a place to fish, a playground, tether ball, and all sorts of activities run by the counselors. The kids get to decide what to do. So much of a kid's activities today are in front of a screen or in structured activities run by adults. It's nice when kids get the chance to explore. The counselors are not baby sitters but are present in case a camper needs assistance with, say, getting a boat in the water. They also lifeguard.

The cabins have beds and a kitchen, and there are two bathhouses. You wake up in the morning and look out on a pristine lake. You walk at night and see the Milky Way. Family Camp was our way to afford going to the cabin, but it was so much more with all the activities. In fact, one of our children is a counselor at Family Camp this year. I'll be up to visit but won't stay a week because I want that spot available for families with young children.

I used to say that week at Many Point was the most relaxing week of the entire year for me. I needed that week, too!

kathy longar, golden valley