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A Bus Rapid Transit line (BRT) will begin operating along Snelling Avenue and Ford Parkway and 46th Street in south Minneapolis in 2015.

The line will connect riders with landmarks such Rosedale Center, Hamline University, the new Central Corridor light-rail line, Macalester College, Highland Village, Midway Shopping Center, Minnehaha Park and the 46th Street Blue Line light-rail station in Minneapolis.

A presentation on the line will be given from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Wednesday at Weyerhaeuser Hall at Macalester College, 62 Macalester Street in St. Paul.

Unlike conventional bus service, which makes frequent stops, Bus Rapid Tranit lines operate similar to light-rail trains with stops only at designated locations spread out along the line. The Snelling BRT line will have 20 stops.

Specialized buses with wider doors and aisles allow for easier boarding and exiting will move passengers along the line.

A new BRT line on Cedar Avenue through Lakeville and Eagan opened in June. More lines could be in the works as Metro Transit and the Met Council study 11 other corridors for possible BRT lines.