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Age: 64, Party or principal: DFL, Job and title: Attorney, real estate developer and manager, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Commissioner (city-wide), and part-time Hennepin County Conciliation Court Judge, Neighborhood: Linden Hills, Website:

Priority, if elected: I will audit each city department in order to streamline operations and ensure our government runs more efficiently. With these savings, and by setting the right priorities for spending, I aim to reduce property taxes by 5%. While on the Board of Estimate and Taxation, I have witnessed inefficient spending and I believe money spent on some government programs should be allocated to the taxpayers. From my 16 years on the Park Board, I know how to deliver effective government services without excessive taxation. I have done it for the parks, and I can do it for the whole city.

Ideas for job/population growth: High unemployment areas, like the North Side, need more attention. I will collaborate with businesses to encourage development, creating better jobs and preserving communities.

Ideas to reduce crime: I will focus on effective policing and partner with businesses to expand job training programs so youth gain experience and self-confidence while learning marketable skills.

Ideas to lower property taxes: 2014: Return all increased LGA to taxpayers instead of new spending with mere 1% cut. 2015: Streamline government and decrease property taxes by 5%.

Did you support or oppose the Minnesota Vikings stadium package, approved by the city in May 2012? If I could have voted, I would have opposed the stadium package. Those dollars could be used for improving infrastructure and helping business create jobs.

Should the city build a $200 million streetcar line along Nicollet and Central Avenues? No.

Should the mayor be allowed to appoint some school board members? No.

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