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A gathering in Bloomington will dig into the watery world of shipwreck exploration and other adventurous pursuits.

The Upper Midwest Scuba and Adventure Travel Show is March 12 at the Ramada Bloomington Hotel.

"I wish people could find out how much research and work that the Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society does for our maritime history in Minnesota and Wisconsin," said Dean Soderbeck of the preservation group. "A lot of maritime museum pieces that people see when they visit museums around Lake Superior were provided by GLSPS."

Speakers at the show will include Thierry Boyer of the Parks Canada Archaeology Team, talking about the team's focus on the HMS Erebus and its doomed search for the Northwest Passage in 1845. The ship was abandoned during the expedition led by explorer Sir John Franklin. The wreckage was found in September 2014.

More information about the show and its schedule is online at