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Hot Dish prediction: Someone will be rocking the vote in the Seventh District this summer.

Rep. Collin Peterson, chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, is known around Washington for his talent on the guitar, but his GOP-backed challenger Lee Byberg appears to have a musical background of his own.

Byberg, a Chicago-native who was raised in South America and Norway (and speaks with a notable Norwegian accent), features a link on his website to a self-produced album titled "Twice American" -- the defacto slogan of his campaign.

Though Byberg doesn't play any instruments or sing on the CD, he is credited as "Producer" and "Vision & Lyrics." A sample can be heard here.

The album itself is packed with more red meat than a Tim Pawlenty stump speech, with songs like "Hello, We Are The USA" and "Freedom of Speech."

As we've reported before here on Hot Dish, Peterson has a pretty solid grip on his fairly conservative district in western Minnesota -- especially given his "no" vote on the Democrat health care bill. Nonetheless, Byberg has loaned $55,000 to his own campaign so far (on top of about $35,000 in contributions).

Other things to watch out for: Byberg has aqcuired a campaign bus (to be revealed this week) called the "Twice American Express."