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Michele Bachmann travelled to Early, Iowa, Friday to meet with one of the state's Republican king-makers, Rep. Steve King, a stalwart Tea Party Caucus congressional ally. But the Minnesota presidential candidate didn't leave with King's highly-sought endorsement, adding to the disappointment of a small turnout for what had been billed as a "meet and greet" with the Iowa congressman. According to the Des Moines Register's Jason Noble, who seems to be Bachmann's shadow these days, "most of the dozen or so people in attendance were employees of the Crossroads Restaurant and Lounge or diners who simply dropped by for lunch." This, Noble wrote, "contributes to a narrative in the national press that Bachmann's campaign is on the rocks." Bachmann's camp told reporters the event was hastily organized after a planned pheasant hunt with King fell through. Bachmann was heard on an Iowa's WHO radio program Thursday morning talking about her fondness for the AR-15 assault rifle. King has not endorsed anybody in the GOP primary so far, and he said Friday that he was appearing with Bachmann just as a "great friend."