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Dear Opponents of the Supreme Court's Decision on DOMA: Yesterday the Supreme Court overturned the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), meaning legally married gay couples will have the same federal rights as married straight couples. And today, the sun rose and we woke up, brushed our teeth, had a cup of coffee and got on with our day. Just like we did the day before the DOMA decision. Just like we will do every day after the DOMA decision. The sky didn't fall. Heterosexual marriages were not diminished. While I am one of the Americans who is celebrating the Supreme Court decision, I know – all to well – what it is like to be on the losing side of judicial decisions, as well as the losing side of legislation and elections. At times it has stung. At times it has hurt. And at times it has made me angry. But each time I've been on the losing side of an issue, I've moved on, because that is what we do in a democracy when the voters, the legislators or the courts have had their say. As opponents of same-sex marriage, it might be too soon for you to move on. You might need more time to process the seemingly fast pace of change for LGBT people. Maybe, over time, when you realize that the world didn't stop with the Supreme Court's decision on DOMA, and you see the joy that this decision has brought to millions of Americans, your opposition can evolve into acceptance and maybe even support. After all, when you strip away the legal language around the Supreme Court decision, you realize that the case was really all about love. Love is a powerful force. It nearly always triumphs. It triumphed again this week.