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Q:What's a typical workday like for you?

I treat six to eight patients a night. After I receive my assignments and a report from the previous therapist, I do research on each patient, and then begin my first of two rounds, assessing patients and giving treatments. I document my work, talk to the nurses about patients' breathing and discomfort. I also like to do further detailed research into the different illnesses as I prepare for my second round. After my second round, I report to the next shift about changes in patient status and medication, and I report any concerns to a respiratory therapist.

Q:How does your role fit into the bigger healthcare picture?

I provide is a life-sustaining service in that if a patient is having problems breathing, it affects their heart, lungs and the rest of their organs.

Q:Who do you interact with during the course of the day?

I interact with patients, their families, nurses and occasionally with doctors if I'm there when they're doing their rounds.

Q:Why did you become a respiratory care student worker?

I wanted the job experience while I am still a student. I went into this because I like to work with people and I'm interested in learning. The field is so vast that you can learn many different aspects of it.

Q:What do you like about your work?

I really appreciate the new information I learn every day and the ability to help people. My co-workers have been extremely nice. It makes me more confident in the decisions that I make and the care that I provide for the patients, so it's been very rewarding.