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Happy candy-hangover, everyone. I was walking around campus last night and I happened to run into a bunch of Gophers basketball players out for Halloween. (OK, maybe that never really happened. But if it did, these would have been the perfect costumes):
Tubby Smith as Dr. Frankenstein: He's trying to breathe life into this collection of interesting parts and pieces.
Trevor Mbakwe as Michael Myers: Just when you think he's done, he's back. And back. And back.
Rodney Williams as Psy (Gangnam Style rapper): He has the ability to take over OUT OF NOWHERE and even if you don't always know what's going on with his feet you're watching with an open jaw.
Andre Hollins as Peter Pan: The kid running the show.
Elliott Eliason as Sasquatch: He's big, he's elusive, but there are some real believers out there.
Mo Walker as a Jack-o-Lantern: He's been cut open, but who's to say that doesn't make him better?
Austin Hollins as the Invisible Man: He's capable of surprise, but easy to accidentally overlook.
Joe Coleman as Clark Kent vs. Superman: Which one is he going to be?
Oto Osenieks as Dexter, America's favorite serial killer: Such a nice guy. Almost too nice. Can he unleash a dark side on the court?
Julian Welch as a chameleon: Able to blend in to his surroundings (California or Minnesota) and play whatever role needed.
Maverick Ahanmisi as Chewbacca: Always the sidekick, plus the crazy hair.
Andre Ingram as He's got to harness his strength for good (rebounds) instead of evil (fouls).