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Who needs lycra and 16 speeds for a fun day in the saddle? Not the people who have organized the Lake Pepin 3-Speed Tour. They envision a different way, and it involves British 3-speed bicycles, picnics with tea, knickers and jackets (without shoulder pads, please; "they will not lay flat when reaching forward," according to the website). The May 19-20 ride, which starts and ends in Red Wing and overnights in Wabasha, tries to recreate cycling through the British countryside circa 1930. That effort is enforced with rules: no lycra and only English 3-speed bikes. The website will tell you how to find one (Craig's list, a few bike stores around town). But, alas, no need to rush out to get one now. The event has filled up. To get a taste of this kooky event -- or to get on the wait list or sign up for the mailing list -- log onto their website. No quaint rule against that.