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The beatdown is on for commuters heading into St. Paul on westbound I-94. It's three lanes of solid traffic from McKnight Road to I-35E. Thankfully there are no crashes on that stretch. However, it's still a 15 minute hike from 694 to downtown.

Play nice on northbound Hwy. 169 at the Bloomington Ferry Bridge. Some drivers are blocking lanes well before the merge point and that has things bound up starting just past County Road 18. Do the zipper merge!

On northbound 35W, it's packed from County Road 42 up to 110th Street. To the south, look for slowdowns in Lakeville beginning at County Road 50. From there up to 494, plan on 18 minutes.

A stall on westbound Hwy. 36 at Rice Street is contributing to the slowdown that extends over to Snelling Avenue. Plan on 12 minutes from Hwy. 61 to 35W.