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Thanksgiving is a national day where families get together and enjoy each others company, thankful for another year together. Since I was a young child, the NFL has been a part of that celebration. From my earliest memories, the Lions and Cowboys have filled the hours between meals on the most relaxed of holidays.

Christmas is a different type of holiday/celebration. Its' roots are grounded in Christianity. Families get together like Thanksgiving, but there is an exchanging of gifts and attendance of church (for many homes). The business world shuts down for a 'winter break, schools, universities, federal, state, local, everything. The NFL, however, will go on. If Christmas falls on a Sunday, then the NFL will be there.

This year Christmas Day fell on a Friday.

"You're a monster, Mr. Goodell. Your heart's an empty hole."

Since becoming commissioner in 2006, Roger Goodell has been known mostly for his handing out of punishments to the like of PacMan Jones, Chris Henry (RIP), Michael Vick, and Donte Stallworth. Now, he may be remembered as the Commissioner who makes the NFL an everyday event. As of now, only Tuesday and Wednesday have been left untainted. In 2009, he has brought the NFL to Friday night and Christmas. Fans are now asked to choose between family and football. Sure. some enlightened homes have miraculously blended sports events with family gatherings, but for others it is a conflict.

'Your brain is full of spiders. You've got garlic in your soul, Mr. Grinch."

The 50 year old commissioner is in charge of the NFL's welfare. Did you know he was married to a FOX news anchor? His brother a part of NBC. Can you say conflict of interest? Now he brings the NFL into the homes on a day that should not have football. Sure I love the idea of watching the game with my family, but do they love the idea as much as I do? As a fan/consumer who fuels this entertainment industry, do I ever have a say in how much is enough? I do. I am in complete control.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Titans' Chris Johnson was playing against me in a fantasy football match-up, I would turn the set off and chat with my in-laws. But in their insidious wisdom, they have found the way to hook me into games that would otherwise mean nothing.

"You're a foul one, Mr. Goodell. You're a nasty wasty skunk."

Oh, I will watch. I love football. But is nothing sacred? You are wasty, Roger.