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Danker than yesterday, isn't it. If that's a word. Dank, Danker, Dankest? Don't know if there are gradations of "Dank." It is, or it isn't.

VIDEO The makers of this ad hoped it would go viral. It has. I hope this was staged, because if it wasn't you're looking at the prosecution's case in several lawsuits.

NO THANKS It's the world's thinnest house:

Says the architect:

Actually, I think that plenty of space is the most important in order to eliminate the fear of the small space. More here.

INTERNET Here's the latest list of bad passwords. "Password" is still number one; "Monkey" is number 6.


When I checked in to get my boarding passes last Sunday, I was reminded that the airline would not let you have them unless you created an account. Wise move! Everyone loves to create accounts. Why, the more accounts the better. The more logins, the more passwords you have to remember - it's the sort of opportunity that gives life some zest, especially when you're standing at the concierge counter at a hotel trying to remember what you entered the last time you created the account while swearing.

Remember two things: A) use a series of words you can remember but no one else can guess, and B) use a different password for everything. HORSEBRICKCOMET, for example, for banking, and BRICKCOMETHORSE for email. Or is it COMETBRICKHORSE? Sorry, your login and email didn't match. We won't tell you which is wrong. And for extra security you can't see what you type, because we presume someone is standing over your shoulder with a gun at your temple.

The day when we use retinal scans to log in can't come soon enough.

DISCLAIMER OF THE DAY This service takes your emails, writes them out in longhand, and sends them in a letter through the postal service. It's the personal touch! Except it's not your handwriting. The FAQ shows that someone was trying to take advantage of them:

That's just mean.

Have to run; ton of work to do. Enjoy the dankosity.