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The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, we all know that's horsepucky. The earth spins just making it appear that way. If you cross your eyes they'll stay that way. Nope that aint true. (Look up strabismus) If you go outside with a wet head you'll catch a cold. Viruses cause colds, not wet hair. Who needs this stuff? We need to be smarter. It's a very well known fact that fishermen have long rulers, heavy scales, and slightly larger memories than there closest friends. But how did we happen upon this set of circumstances I ask you? Maybe there is a smidgen of old wives tales in here somewhere. Old wives tales as a historical fact originated as the "urban legend" of the old English day from a Germanic word (weib, also meaning woman). The specific woman in question was known then as a "fishwife" or a woman who sold fish. Old wives tales were created to correct inappropriate behavior of the day, were generally said to be false and any grain of truth to them was most likely coincidental. Now it's not too much to stretch the imagination and think that maybe way back when, just once anyhow, misters Langdon and his son master Tad had a good morn down on the local brook. Going home they had the venerable Miss Molly cook up a few trout's and what was too much for breakfast, she hauled off to town and sold. Miss Molly set up a board and laid out those fresh fish just off Cobblestone alley and announced to all passers by that this was indeed the freshest fish available. Lady Jane Astebuly over on White brick lane not to be undersold, would yell just abit louder so she could unload her fish before the sun cooked them curbside, and ruined the potential catch of the day. See these two side street women would start to brag up their hubby's fish and downgrade the others. "Why this fish fought harder, came from fresher waters, and look at the colors, not to mention this here trout weighs closer to six pounds, than that five pounder she's peddling so men of that day listened to there wives, as do most men of today, unless you have a very comfortable sofa you prefer to sleep on. As the centuries past we fishermen learned to use these old wives tales sales pitches' to no longer sell our fish at the market per say, but we try sell'en'em to the neighbors' or anybody who will listen just the same. Like last week, nobody listened to me on the job when I said I came home with three, two and half pound northern's for fish cakes. So this week at church I sold them those same 3 fish as one, 7 point five pounder and boy did the feller's want to know where I speared that pike. I thought that was pretty clever thinking on my part. See fish is brain food, and that's no "old wives tale". The trout whisperer