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Rick Nelson and Claude Peck dispense unasked-for advice about clothing, etiquette, culture, relationships, grooming and more.

RN: Hey, Claude, would it kill you to play another round of Would It Kill You?

CP: WIKY is like my third-favorite recurring column topic, so let's go.

RN: Oh, good. WIKY, "Mad Men" creator Matthew Weiner, to reprise the Sal Romano character before your series calls it quits next month?

CP: WIKY, guys of any age, to forgo the yoga-centric top knot?

RN: Agreed. Ish.

CP: I have not yet seen one outside of a bikram studio that looked anything other than ridiculous and faintly comical.

RN: WIKY, motorists everywhere, to put your phone down and drive? Is texting "OMG" to your pal Tiffany worth spending five to 10 behind bars in Shakopee or Stillwater for vehicular homicide?

CP: While we're on drivers, WIKY to remember that all modern-day vehicles are equipped with turn indicators? And to use them? Bikers, pedestrians and other drivers will be eternally grateful.

RN: WIKY, restaurants and coffeehouses, to serve iced tea during the cold-weather months? You're already serving iced coffee, and it's the same drill: Brew tea, then pour it over ice. See how easy that is?

CP: WIKY you, mon frère, to get with it and start drinking coffee?

RN: Never. Coffee ice cream, however, is another matter entirely. WIKY, Minnesota legislators, to wake up, smell the consumer demand and legalize Sunday retail liquor sales already? And while you're at it, travel to one of the 40-plus states where wine and beer is legally available in supermarkets, so you can witness firsthand that the sky remains overhead.

CP: I'll drink to to that. WIKY, commercial TV networks, to take a lesson from cable and Netflix and create a sitcom that is not entirely unwatchable?

RN: WIKY, Abbott Northwestern Hospital, to explain how you justify being home to both a leading heart institute and a McDonald's?

CP: WIKY, Twin Cities shops, to include a single fashion-forward men's toggery?

RN: WIKY, restaurant servers everywhere, to drop the overheated "And how are our first bites?"/"Is everything delicious?" queries?

CP: WIKY, workout centers, to pipe in music that an eighth-grade girl would not find insultingly bubble-gummy? For that matter, what about a little blessed silence every now and then?

RN: WIKY, Twitterati, to lay off the social media now and then? If your tweets-to-followers ratio is greater than 50:1 — wait, more like 20:1 — you need to do us all a favor and step away from the smartphone.

CP: WIKY, movie theaters, to let discount matinees creep past, say, 1 p.m.? Because I keep finding myself at late-afternoon shows, desperately elbowing out three other moviegoers for a good seat.

RN: WIKY, Patisserie 46, to stop baking those incroyable almond croissants? I am powerless to resist.

CP: WIKY to give in?


Twitter: @claudepeck and @RickNelsonStrib