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Do you remember a next-day activity you were so excited about you couldn't sleep? I do. I was a pre-driving teenager and opening day of the Iowa squirrel season was the next day. Sleep? You gotta be kidding! All I could see when I closed my eyes were fox squirrels hiding from me on the opposite side of a tree and me tempting them to sneak a peek with two silver dollars, held just so, clicked together to imitate the scolding call of a squirrel.

One of my buddies had an uncle who farmed on the outskirts of Des Moines and he had a grove of oaks that we knew was teeming with squirrels. My friend's mom, bless her heart, was kind enough to drive us out there with a promise to pick us up at noon. As I recall we were both sitting at the base of big trees, sound asleep, when she arrived.

The night before last was the eve of the 2010 early goose season. I'm man enough to admit I had trouble getting to sleep. Not because I was excited about shooting a goose. I had two students, new to the sport, coming to learn from me on opening day. I was anxious that it go well. And it did.

The weather was perfect. There was plenty of time between goose sightings for me to teach. We witnessed the joyful sight and sounds of a trio of sandhill cranes. We talked about the daily habits of the Canada goose and decoy placement. We discussed calling techniques, goose cleaning options and favorite recipes. We even bagged a couple of geese.

I love kids. And to love children presupposes we truly care about their futures. I am passionate about embracing the resplendent graces of nature. And so it follows to love a child is to cultivate a wholesome relationship between them and the outdoor world.

Despite what our friends at PETA claim, there is nothing unwholesome about hunting. We're not hurting anyone. We're not breaking the law. We're learning important lessons about personal responsibilty especially when it comes to the safe handling of loaded weapons and respecting the land and the landowners. Plus there are limitless things to learn about the high-def world waiting outside the door.

There weren't as many unwholesome activities to tempt me when I was young as there are today. But I'm certain I could have found plenty of trouble. The fact that I've never seen jail from the wrong side of the bars is a tribute, to a large degree, to my preoccupation with hunting and the outdoors.