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When I blog, I usually like to include pictures from my garden about the topic of the day. What I've chosen to

discuss today is cucumbers and I don't have a photo… because I don't have ANY CUCUMBERS. And by the sounds of it, I am not alone. What happened this year? August and September I'm usually searching for different pickle recipes because I can only eat so many bread and butter pickles. I bring the overabundance into work for my co-workers to enjoy. Not this year. I barely have reaped enough for a salad.

No cucumbers with sour cream to enjoy. No cucumber soup.
My back yard is subject to a little powdery mildew; so I thought maybe it was a local/weather thing in Minneapolis, but my brother-in-law complained about his lack of cucumbers too. He lives in Brainerd. Another friend in Coon Rapids reaped a miniscule harvest.

What gives? Is anyone making pickles this year?