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Water your birds

As the summer progresses please remember that the birds need water. In these ultra-dry, hot conditions, water is likely more important than the food you offer.

Identifying raptor nests

A friend recently wondered about the origin of a bird nest built of branches atop a light standard at an athletic field. Eagle or osprey? Eagle was a consideration because the nest is massive. Vanessa Greene of Twin Cities Metro Osprey Watch answered the question: Eagles are sub-canopy nesters, below the top of the tree. Osprey are super-canopy nesters, building on top of open structures. That's why light standards and power poles work so well for them.


Duck stamps on sale

The 2021-2022 federal duck stamp is on sale. The duck pictured this year is a lesser scaup drake. The artist is Richard Clifton of Delaware. No Minnesota winner this year, a bit unusual. Our artists have been dominant. The stamp, available at most post offices and some sporting goods stores, costs $25. From each of those dollars, 98 percent goes to acquiring and protecting waterfowl habitat used by many non-waterfowl species. That's $24.50 for habitat, a good investment in birding. Buy one and put it on the cover of your field guide as a suggestion to others to buy theirs.