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Last Spring, I watched my 6'2", strong husband curl into a ball sweating and in pain!

When he went to the doctor and said that our cabin was in the middle of the Lyme's disease area. The doc added it to the battery of blood tests. The tests came back positive for Lyme's disease.

After a couple days of intense antibiotics, he was feeling better. However, it sure was an eye-opening experience. I grew up in the woods. I never thought twice about pulling out a stuck tick. However, now I think twice... and check three times! I've pulled off deer ticks and YES they are as small as this period at the end of the sentence.

Ticks are not just out in the woods anymore, and not affecting only people. My friend's dog got Lyme's disease and he has never been out of West St. Paul!

Here is one easy way to keep ticks at bay. Wear long pants and long socks and tuck your pants inside your socks. It may look silly and a bit like German Liederhosen, but it will keep ticks from crawling up your legs. Also, use DEET. Spray any exposed skin.

Most important... check, check, check. Have a "tick buddy" check your back.

The little buggers are easy to remove if they are not stuck in.

Ticks won't keep me from finding this gorgeous orchid!

Here is more information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Do you have experience with Lyme's Disease or Anaplasmosis? Share...