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Warblers are in "a horrible mess" in Duluth, according to Duluth birder Laura Erickson. She reported this morning (MOU email) that "huge" numbers of warblers are hitting windows there, at homes, at a businesses, and at the airport. There is a massive migration movement underway.

A resident of Duluth township reported this morning (MOU email) that "huge" numbers of warblers were moving down shore yesterday as well, mostly Yellow-rumps. This species is among early arrivals in the spring and late departures in the fall. Many of the birds, the report said, are being hit by cars along Highway 61.

I witnessed something similar several years ago, in the same area. In early evening insects were moving onto the road surface because of the heat being radiated there, heat collected that sunny day. The birds were so intent on eating that they were easily hit by cars. We saw one dead warbler perhaps every few yards for at least a mile.

Erickson said she is trying to collect data about bird strikes in Duluth. She asked for information from people finding injured or dead birds. Go to

Erickson also said that birders in Duluth need to get a Lights Out program started. That is a voluntary reduction in interior buiding lighting beginning at dusk. This reduces the chance of collision by birds.

Look for dead and injured birds at first light, she said, "when there's a chance some of them can be helped."

Below, a Yellow-rumped Warbler.