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I haven't seen this much denial of the loss of a well-loved character since . . . the guy with the Winnebago. Perhaps that marks me as a half-hearted fan, since true Walking Dead fans remember every character whose actor showed up for the run-through read of the next script, and was asked by the producer if they might have a little chat beforehand. Vanity Fair:

No link included because the very title of the link is a spoiler. The article goes into all the reasons why what you saw may not be what you think; same here at the url-safe AV Club, where a commenter uses a phrase that makes sense to anyone who watched the episode: "inexplicable shoulder intestines."

WEB Bad idea of the day:

You might not be surprised to learn that an executable file named after the mysterious game from the Deep Dark Nasty Bad Web of Drugs and Filth might contain bad things and malware; you'd be right. This Kernel story goes through the brief history of the mysterious game, which really isn't a game, and explains why people were fascinated by it. Simple: people thought Sad Satan was something loosed from the lower circles of internet hell, and struggled to find meaning in it.

Meanwhile, in the world of everyday horror: a man put a GoPro on his dog while hunting, and the dog - chasing a scent - ran into some wolves. THE DOG IS OKAY. The dog was wearing armor. Even knowing that, it's harrowing.

Comments have been disabled on the YouTube page. Probably wise. The comments on the site where the story ran are a Roman-Candle Fountain of idiocy.

Well, you know what they say about assumptions making an ass out of you and umption.

BOND More proof that Daniel Craig doesn't like James Bond.

Roger Moore seems to be the only Bond who enjoyed himself. The rest came to view the job as a great indignity.