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Minnesota birders whose passions extend to rare and unusual bird species have struck it rich the past few days. First, a Black Guillemot was found at Taconite Harbor along the North Shore. This is a seabird one would expect to find along the East Coast from Maine north into the Arctic. This bird, a juvenile, was a first for Minnesota. Unfortunately, the bird died about 48 hours after arrival. It was retrieved for addition to the Bell Museum collection. A photo of the bird, taken by birder Erik Bruhnke, is below. Then, this afternoon (Monday), a South Dakota birder camping in Crow Wing State Park south of Brainard, found an Acorn Woodpecker. This bird belongs no farther northeast than the northeast corner of New Mexico. My photo of this very cool-looking bird was taken in Arizona a few years ago. There is no good explanation for either bird being here. It just happens.