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New kid on the block

All eyes will be on NBC's newly acquired heavyweight with the launch of "Sunday Night With Megyn Kelly," a test drive before she enters the competitive circuit of morning news. Not that this newsmagazine won't have its own challenges. It goes head to head against "60 Minutes," although that institution relies heavily on repeats during the summer.

6 p.m. Sunday, KARE, Ch. 11

Marathon set

The surviving members of the Grateful Dead are present and accounted for in the Martin Scorsese-produced documentary "Long Strange Trip," but with a running time of four hours, you'd think there would be commentary from Bob Dylan or, at least, John Mayer. No dice. Instead, the tale is largely left up to roadies and managers, not exactly star-studded company for such a challenging haul. Among the few celebrities: Al Franken, whose affection for "Althea" may be used against him in any presidential run.

Now streaming on Amazon Prime

Fountain of youth

The title "If You're Not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast" references a Carl Reiner routine, but it's the 95-year-old's continued vitality, not his Catskills-inspired humor, that is celebrated in this youthful documentary. Betty White, Norman Lear and Dick Van Dyke are among other nonagenarians with tips on how to live well and prosper beyond one's expected expiration date.

7 p.m. Monday, HBO

Neal Justin