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How do they know these things?

Did someone call them up and say "hey, we saw you at the farmers market, and wanted to know if you combined your purchases into a sandwich for immediate consumption, or whether you stored the items for later"? Did the Spellings call the press themselves, and if so, is this a regular thing? Criminey, it's Tori on the phone with her lunch menu again; who wants to take this?

Not saying she doesn't have a sense of humor about herself. Obviously she does:

Hoarders: Untold sTori from Tori Spelling

It must be a sign that hoarders have gone mainstream, because these satires are everywhere. Take this one, for example: a guy who hoards . . . himself!

Wait, that's an actual show? The guy who lives in an old Woolworth's store with an army of plastic doppelgangers, and pretends to eat his own hair - that's real?