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Longtime Republican activist Tony Sutton told the Star Tribune Tuesday that he will run again for Republican Party chair.

"We've accomplished a lot but there's a lot left to do," he said.

He said he will run as a team with Deputy Chair Michael Brodkrob, a Minnesota Senate staffer. The election for chair -- and the soon to be vacant national committee positions -- will be held in April.

Sutton said he feels there is an opportunity to "put Minnesota in the Republican column" in the presidential race, beat U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar and keep the Republican majorities in the Minnesota House and Senate in 2012.

He said in last year the party could count victories -- new GOP majorities in the Legislature and victory in Minnesota's 8th congressional district -- and losses -- narrowly missing a gubernatorial victory.

Sutton said he did not know of anyone who was planning to run against him and had supporters, including the candidates to fill the Republican National Committee member spots, from a cross section of the party.