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Former Gov. Tim Pawlenty gave his first interview since dropping out of the presidential race on Tuesday to Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report."

The pair found plenty of jokes to make about Pawlenty's exit from the presidential race. You can read the whole story surrounding Pawlenty's interview here, and watch the show tonight at 10:30 p.m. CDT on Comedy Central.

But here's a preview of some of T-Paw and Colbert's more memorable moments.

Update: According to the official transcript from the show, Pawlenty's interview was condensed for time, so some of the back-and-forth below won't make it on Comedy Central. A spokeswoman said the show doesn't plan to post the full interview.

  • Pawlenty explained he thought the presidential race was "taking on more and more of a reality TV component." This back and forth followed:
    "Did you think you should learn to juggle?" Colbert asked.
    "I thought about shooting sparks out of my butt," Pawlenty said.
  • Colbert asked Pawlenty about Bachmann by wondering if people "were over-Minnesotaned" and asked, "Did she drink your Minnesota milkshake?"
    "You cannot be over-Minnesotaned," Pawlenty responded, declining to criticize his in-state rival. Later on in the interview, Pawlenty volunteered Bachmann when Coblert asked who had the best hair.
  • Pawlenty accused Colbert of stealing his Super PAC logo from the former governor's campaign, which is basically true, as the logo appeared when Colbert parodied Pawlenty's movie trailer-esque videos. Colbert responded that he had lots of security around, then declared: "I will see you in hell."
  • Speaking of Super PACs, Pawlenty asked Colbert if his Super PAC could help him out with some money. "You need some money?" Colbert said in his best loan-shark voice. The comedian then gave a quick campaign finance lesson about how Colbert couldn't offer Pawlenty money if he was running, but now he could becasue he was no longer a candidate and they were "just two guys talking."
  • Colbert told Pawlenty to make some news and "endorse someone." "You," Pawlenty responded. After Colbert said he wasn't going to run, Pawlenty told him: "Do it. Don't be a weenie."
    "I'm more like Sarah Palin," Colbert responded. "I am a television personality now."
  • The interview turned to the more-serious subject of a jobs plan when Pawlenty said he had one and (until today) was the only one in the race with one. "Nobody cared," Pawlenty said.
    "And now you don't have a job," Colbert said.