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Here's some clickbait:

I went through the entire stupid slideshow. First of all, they're not all horrible crimes. Clickbait chum always lies. But here's the biggest lie: Prince is nowhere in the list. Thirty-five slides, and no Prince. Isn't that rather slanderous?

I know, I know: next thing you know, someone will debunk the little box that has a red circle around a toe and the words SIGNS YOU'RE ABOUT TO HAVE YOUR LIVER FLY OUT OF YOUR MOUTH or whatever it says.

STYLE Next year's color, in case you don't know:

Anyone else hear the Miami Vice theme? Here's a look at the person who decided what the color will be.

Wonder what the color would be if they took a survey, or a poll. Speaking of the 80s: Here's a piece on the morking of Make and Mindy. The pilot crosses all sorts of streams.

Speaking of the 80s, or at least shows that staggered a few years into the decade before collapsing:

Here's a piece on the making of Mork and Mindy. It's the definitive oral history of the show. Worth it for the Raquel Welch anecdotes alone. As one of the interviewees said:

M&M went four.

OK The long read of the day: the origins, marketing, and failure of OK Soda. The thought of everything - except something you'd want to drink.