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Every week we'll start off with our "highs and lows" and get into some important societal survival skills and general goings on of the TwinCities and neighboring communities with news about the rest of the world here and there. Participation is simple. Just give us your highs and lows either in the comments of the article or on twitter by trending #ProverbialMonday or tweeting to me @E_HowardCo.

*Note the new Twitter handle!!
High: Got a great new job, can't wait to get started.
Low: Leaving the best job I've had so far, by far.


Sometimes I choose not to write. In reflecting on my inability to sustain a regular blog posting schedule I have gained some clarity on the root of my literary sloth. There are a few things that keep me focused on finding excuses to avoid writing ranging from self-care to my own lack of confidence in my ability to articulate my thoughts. With that, allow me to run down a list of my favorite excuses for not writing so that I can move forward with some accountability for my inaction.

1.) I'm too busy

- Note - Working a job that requires a time commitment greater than full-time along with having a 10month infant with an hour long commute from home to work can be a heavy load. Toss in a few additional entreprenuerial endeavors and community engagement opportunities and 24hours can fly by quickly. I have to recognize that as long as the millionaires, billionaires and leaders of the free world have that same 24hours there's absolutely no reason that I can't make time to follow through on my personal commitments.

2.) I don't know what to write about

- Note - Everyday life is happening at a rapid, unceasing and uncontrolable pace. There are always things happening, just pick something.

3.) No one will want to read what I want to write

- Note - Maybe they won't, then again, maybe they will.

4.) I'm not allowed to write what I want to write

- Note - Find a way to rearticulate thoughts in an appropriate way so that your readership doesn't miss out on your contribution.

5.) There's too much to write about

- Note - (See #2)

6.) Fear of vulnerability

- Note - Get over it, there is power in conqureing that fear. Also, without vulnerability in my contributions the words I write are disingenuous.

7.) I can write later

- Note - I can also write now.

8.) I can't remember how to log-in

- Note - A simple solution would be to email myself the link to log-in so if I happen to be at another computer I can access the site.

9.) I don't want to cause any trouble

- Note - If I don't want to cause trouble, then I don't want to make any relevant change.

10.) I need to think about what I want to write before I write it down

- Note - More often than not I've already thought about it and just need to get to work. Other times writing helps me think about what I want to say.

With this list of annotated excuses I hope that I can move past each of them and make time to offer more regular contributions to the YourVoices blogging community and the great people who read what I write.

Thank You.