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Matt Logelin has a tattoo on the inside of each of his wrists.

One is the number 24 the other is 25.

24 marks the day his daughter Madeline was born

and 25 marks the day his wife Liz died.

Today is the 25th.

It's been two years since Liz passed away.

In early April 2008, May and I received an e-mail from Matt Logelin that completely broke our hearts.

The few lines from his e-mail made an impact on us and so many others.

A New Dad Reaches Out

May e-mailed him back, speechless. What can we do? Is it okay if we post this and link to your site?

It wasn't his original intent. But, sure.

A few weeks later Star Tribune reporter, Maura Lerner wrote this lovely article "Without Liz but not alone" that made the front page of the Sunday Star Tribune and caused tears to be shed at breakfast across the Twin Cities.

People rallied around Matt and became daily (perhaps hourly) loyal readers of his blog His raw and honest words and stunning photography captivated everyone.

Through friendships made in comments online and the desire to help - what would eventually become the Liz Logelin Foundation was formed.

We asked Darcie Gust who has been very involved with the Liz Logelin Foundation since the beginning, to write a little about her involvement in the LLF and the impact it's made on her. Here's what Darcie had to share:

Ten days after Liz Logelin passed away, her husband Matt wrote into Cribsheet. He talked of changing diapers and changing priorities. That day would change my life. I spent the next three days crying about what I had learned. (I think a lot of us did!)

Being a mom of a 2 year old and a 1 year old at the time, I was shaken to my very core.

There were comments flying around here and there about what we could do to help this young father who had not only lost the love of his life, but now had a 3 pound baby to take care of. Alone. I had visions of my husband and my 9 pound babies without me..::insert more crying here:: Another Cribsheeter, Rachel, started a blog dedicated to helping Matt & Madeline, and 1000's of dollars worth of formula checks and diaper coupons started rolling in. Matt had to pay for formula just one time during Maddy's formula days, and that was because he forgot to pack enough for a trip! It didn't just end with helping with formula...Rachel, and Matt, and several others, knew that so much more could be done for others in similar situations...and from that...The Liz Logelin Foundation was born. I am proud to call Matt my friend. Through him and his wonderful organization, I have met many, many beautiful souls. People that I will be forever thankful to have as friends. Because of him, because of them. They have helped make this big giant not-always-so-friendly-world, just a little bit smaller...because of him, because of them, I am holding my family a little bit tighter and I am not putting off until tomorrow what we can be doing today. And because of them, together, we are making a difference. - Darcie Gust

And so, a non-profit grew from friendships formed online - in less than two years look at the impact and difference they' have made!

The Liz Logelin Foundation has awarded grants to 36 families, totaling more than $20,000 in financial assistance. The non-profit Foundation exists to provide financial support to men and women – regardless of sexual orientation and marital status - whose spouses or partners have died and left them to care for dependent children. The Liz Logelin Foundation offers a financial lifeline as these families struggle to move forward in the midst of their grief.

To find out more about the Liz Logelin Foundation and how you can help click here.

Darcie also gave us the heads up that the 2nd annual Liz Logelin Foundation Gala and 5K will be the weekend of September 18-19. Details to come but mark your calendars now.

Read his incredibly poignant post today honoring his love for Liz two years ago today.

One day late but of course we have to say HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY MADDY!

May and Kay