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Shelby Richardson
23, actor and employee of Lulu Organics

What are you wearing? Blazer from JCrew, jeans by Kensie. White Docs from Camden market in London. Handmade white sweater.

Describe your style: Young British boy or a witch. Also, there is always something a bit off about what I'm wearing.

What should we be reading? Anne Carson. Anything that isn't the internet. Any book that you can hold in your hand. Anything you're really swept away by.

Favorite shops in the Twin Cities? Cliché, B Resale, and Lula Vintage. Opitz and Arks Valu Village.

Kevin Kirsch
44, copy editor

What are you wearing? Blazer from Kuhlman's, Shirt from Banana Republic, Perry Ellis tie purchased in '96 with my employee discount when I worked at the downtown Dayton's, Louis Raphael pants from Nordstrom Rack, Kenneth Cole shoes.

Describe your style: Broody optimism.

Favorite stylish literary icon? Samuel Clemens for the 'stache, Oscar Wilde for the panache.

What should we be reading? "House of Coates" (recently back in print) from Coffee House Press.

Favorite shops in the Twin Cities? I haven't found a store to replace Blacklist Vintage or MidNorth Mercantile since they closed, but in St. Paul I like the single rack of menswear at Succotash and Mid Mod Men for decor.

Ali O'Reilly
25, writer

What are you wearing? Vintage chiffon scarf from a garage sale, short jumpsuit from OPITZ, Bow–Down Tattoo Tights from Buffalo Exchange, Field Gear boots.

Describe your style: I gravitate pretty hard toward red lips, messy hair, knee socks and vintage finds. I either look like a hung-over Wednesday Adams auditioning for a role belonging to Veronica Lake or Lolita having a panic attack.

Favorite stylish literary icon? The entire Glass family, from Salinger's "Franny and Zooey."

What should we be reading? "Bad Feminist" by Roxane Gay, "Just Kids" by Patti Smith, "Antwerp" by Roberto Bolaño.

Nico Swenson
23, artist
What are you wearing? Mix & Co. sweater and shirt, skirt from the Seward Café free box, Dickies pants, Payless heels.

Describe your style: Eclectic, eccentric, pan-gendered and resourceful.

Favorite stylish literary icon?
Sylvia Plath.

What should we be reading?
"The Hour of the Star" by Clarice Lispector.