Birdhouses don't attract most birds

It's nesting season, and as much as we'd like to help, most birds will never use any kind of birdhouse.

Take the group birding challenge: Find a Female Bird Day

How many female birds can you find in a day? Can you tell males from female birds? Some are easy, some are tricky, some are nearly impossible.

6 ways to attract birds to your backyard

It's easy to make your yard a bird oasis.

Birds land on the hand that feeds them

Have seeds? Have patience? You may be in business.

Osprey are the medium-sized raptors with the 'W' wings

Elegant fishing hawks becoming a familiar sight again in the metro area.

Look for eagle eggs to hatch in March

Readers write: Do bird feeders really help birds? Is there such a thing as too many goldfinches?

Whoa! What that geese tuck and roll is all about

Canada geese "whiffle" as they come in for a landing so they can slow down more quickly.

Drop-dead gorgeous red-tailed hawks are easy to identify — most of the time

Cardinals stick together at the end of nesting season

Plus: Where to see eagles on camera, and overwintering bluebirds.

Some tips for making bird feeding enjoyable for you — and the birds