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DULUTH — The man ar­rest­ed on sus­pi­cion of shoot­ing a man at a fu­neral­ on the Fond du Lac Reservation on Fri­day was charged with first- and se­cond-de­gree fel­o­ny as­sault.

On Fri­day morn­ing, Shelby Bos­well, 28, whose ad­dress is list­ed in Hugo, en­tered the Fond du Lac Head Start build­ing's gym­na­sium, where a fu­ner­al cer­e­mo­ny was a­bout to start. Bos­well ap­proach­ed his sis­ter's boy­friend from behind and fired a rifle at the back of his head, ac­cord­ing to charges filed in Carl­ton County Court on Mon­day.

The boy­friend, 45-year-old Bro­der­ick Rob­in­son, of Min­ne­ap­olis, re­mained con­scious and turned around to see Bos­well point­ing the rifle at him.

Family mem­bers and oth­ers at­tend­ing the fu­ner­al moved to block Bos­well from fir­ing at Rob­in­son a­gain and dis­armed him, ac­cord­ing to the charges. They took the rifle out of the gym to an emp­ty lock­er room near­by.

Rob­in­son was later tak­en to a Du­luth hos­pi­tal for noncritical in­ju­ries and re­leased Fri­day night, Clo­quet po­lice said.

In­ter­im Po­lice Chief Der­ek Randall said the fu­ner­al was for Bos­well's grand­moth­er.

Bos­well ran from the gym but was de­tained by po­lice of­fic­ers in the park­ing lot. He was also charged with felon­ies for pos­ses­sion of her­o­in and meth, which of­fic­ers found on him when he was ar­rest­ed.

Be­cause Bos­well has been con­victed of three fel­o­ny as­saults dat­ing back to 2010, he re­ceived an ad­di­tion­al fel­o­ny charge for hav­ing a rifle. Min­ne­so­ta law bans any­one con­victed of a vi­o­lent crime from pos­sess­ing a fire­arm.

The shoot­ing sent a school and trib­al of­fices into lock­down for more than two hours Fri­day. Of­fi­cials helped move the fu­ner­al to an­oth­er gym­na­sium near­by so that mourn­ers could fin­ish the cer­e­mo­ny be­fore sun­down, keep­ing with cul­tur­al tra­di­tions.

Bos­well's bail was set at $500,000, and an in­itial court date was set for next Mon­day.

Kat­ie Galioto • 612-673-4478