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The GOP platform is quite revealing

Some time ago I was doing some door-knocking for a local election and was confronted by a person about my age (somewhat over 50) who said, "I have always voted Republican and will continue to do so." Thus it was with some interest that I was perusing the Republican platform and comparing it to the platform at the time the hero of the party, Ronald Reagan, was running for president.

It is a dramatically different party today than it was 32 years ago. One example: In 1980, the platform stated that "urban centers need dependable and affordable mass transit systems," while today this is considered "social engineering." Republicans, read your platform and see if it really reflects your views today. You may be surprised to see how far the party has moved.


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What's the big deal about the GOP or Democratic conventions? All they do is preach the same drivel that they do before the conventions. I guess the difference is they get a bunch of cattle in a barn to lap it up and wear funny hats and feel important. Boring!


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Poem demonstrates a soldier's agony

I appreciated the Aug. 30 editorial ("Missed signals at Minneapolis VA"). It points out the need for mental-health care for veterans and shows the cost of a war on the individuals who fight.

A poet who served in World War I -- Sigfried Sassoon, who wrote many war poems -- wrote a short poem called "Suicide in the Trenches," in which he described a man "who put a bullet through his brain, and no one spoke of him again." The last four lines read:

"You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye

Who cheer when soldier lads march by,

Sneak home and pray you'll never know

The hell where youth and laughter go."


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Concerned for kids? Keep 'em out of news

Most people would agree that child pornography is a sickness needing to be fought aggressively -- with expert knowledge and protection for those involved. What mystifies me is the seeming lack of concern by the prosecutors and the Star Tribune, who appear to be fomenting a "collective conversation" in the media about the case involving the football coach in Mankato. Is this not equally damaging to these children as the alleged pornography would be?

These children are heading to school with every other child in their classes knowing these private details. Who, might I inquire, is really thinking about these potential 'victims'? The prosecutors' original statements implied that it was the coach's children they were concerned for, thus the request to seek parental restraint.

When reading the initial article, it was not difficult to figure out who was in the images, thus prompting the coach's wife to speak out in defense of her family. Additionally, last week the Star Tribune was interviewing people at coffee shops and on the streets, reporting their judgments without any of them knowing what is on the coach's phone. I am disgusted at the lack of concern for this family (children) in the name of "concern."


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Here's how they work in modern workplace

While reading the opinion article about breaking up via e-mail ("to be removed from this relationship ...," Aug. 27), I thought about how my former place of employment dealt with me. First they cut my hours to one day a week, plus a half-day every other weekend. They filled my old hours with a much less expensive new graduate.

Months later, they e-mailed me while making the next work schedule, saying they had to give my full day a week to the new graduate; would I like to keep my half days on alternate weekends? At that point, this loyal employee of almost 13 years declined.

No gold watch, no farewell party, only a small, private verbal thank you from the boss a few days later.


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Something sneaky is going on around here

I thought the Strib had shaken its "Star and Sickle" label until I did a cryptoquip that read: "Each citizen should play his part in the community according to his individual gifts." I guess a leopard never loses its spots. Once a commie, always a commie, eh?

STEVE FISHER, Minnetonka

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Something sneaky going on here, too

Aha! I believe that I have uncovered a dastardly strategy being implemented by KSTP-TV, Ch. 5, to reduce its news costs. It plans to replace "real people" as anchors with talking robotic heads. The latest step is to sacrifice Vineeta Sawkar (C.J. column, Aug. 28). Plug the talking head into the Internet and power outlet and let it roll. What a droll, colorless future we have in this age of wondrous technology. We will miss the joy that Vineeta has given to the Twin Cities.