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I laugh when I hear the Donald Trump protesters crying out, "This is what democracy looks like." I agree. They are correct. Democracy is mob rule.

We are not a democracy. We are a representative republic where everyone is protected by laws against mob rule.

Bill Jungbauer, Inver Grove Heights

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The news covered Hillary Clinton sadly walking in the woods with Bill and her dogs while her followers riot, burn, damage, fire people who did not support her, and injure others because she did not win. She should be on the air imploring her followers to stop the violence and accept the result of the election — to follow the rule of law. Do you remember when she called us deplorable? Who are the deplorables now?

Bill Halling, Edina

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I have seen many Trump supporters deride protesters for not accepting the results of this election. But, the transition from Obama to Trump marches on, as it has done so many times in the past. However, the people are not part of this transition, as many conservatives were not in 2008 when power moved from Bush to Obama. This is when the Tea Party was created and when many vehemently declared that Obama was "not their president." They held their own protests and rallies.

I have also seen people deride protesters as being "on the gravy train" or "needing to get a job." I would say to those of you who felt misunderstood in the weeks leading up to this election, causing you to vote for Trump, that trying to understand these protesters is a course of action you might pursue. You would likely find that you have more similarities than differences.

These people work hard. They feel the pinch of health care, the fears of national security, the unease of economic uncertainty. They are not so different from you, and from these commonalities we can go forward as a country, and hopefully avoid this deep division during our next transition.

Sarah Norris, Minneapolis

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The protesters are understandably angry with a man who conducted a vicious campaign. Their effort would be more effective if they directed it at the Trump conduct that is so offensive by boycotting his golf courses, hotels and products, and boycotting the businesses that patronize his golf courses and hotels and that sell his products.

Thomas W. Wexler, Edina

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Thank the rather pleasant November weather for giving the post-election protesters a chance at better expressing their utter dissatisfaction with Trump's winning campaign. It's perfect weather for shouting out loud at the star-filled heavens above and scowling at and damning anyone believed to be a Trump voter. There are no cold temperatures to face, and there is no piercing rain, merciless sleet or blowing snow to battle as they take to the streets to cause mayhem and protest their hearts out. If the weather this time of year would have been the same as it always is, members of these big-city movements, lacking charismatic leaders, opinion-changing messages and articulated lists of demands, would have stayed home, sitting by sources of heat and griping about this nation's democratic system over cups of hot chocolate. In the sum, this November's weather: Good for seeing anarchy in action and bad for the North Face apparel sales.

Gary Pettis, Mankato, Minn.

Will supporters speak out? Could we send a safety signal?

Dear Trump supporters: I know many of you thought very carefully before you made your choice. I know you had good reasons for casting your vote the way you did, and I know those reasons had nothing to do with his genital-grabbing, racist, violence-inciting ways. I'm pretty sure those are anathema to you. And I know you are offended when people like me suggest otherwise. I'm sorry. But I need to ask you a favor: Please show the world that you don't share these values by speaking out against them, loudly and often. When you see a woman or Muslim or gay person being taunted on the street, please tell the person doing the taunting that it is not OK. When you see stories about such things in the news, start your comment with, "I'm a Trump supporter, but this is not what we stand for … ." The definition of bullying includes an imbalance of power. You have the power now. Will you please use your power for good?

Allison Wedell Schumacher, St. Paul

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I am deeply saddened that there are people in our city, state and country who now feel afraid for their safety and the safety of their families. I have read that in Europe people have started wearing a safety pin on their shirts. This is to signify to strangers that you will respect them and treat them with dignity, that they are safe with you. I suggest we start a movement here in the Twin Cities to help our fellow residents understand that they are not alone, that with each of us who wears the pin they can feel safe. As a retired Minneapolis teacher, I think always of the children. It breaks my heart to see children fearful of the world around them. If they begin seeing safety pins on those around them, they will begin to feel more reassured.

Linda Moran, Minneapolis

There's a path to improvement

I voted for Clinton, but let's move on from the hand-wringing and muffled sobs and see if we can predict some of Trump's early policy initiatives.

1) Let there be no doubt: He is going to build that wall. He is a bricks-and-mortar guy, not a words-on-paper guy; this is his legacy piece, and it will be done early on before he gets caught up in the usual political turmoil. How to pay for it? My recollection is that Mexico exacts a tariff of 17 percent on U.S. goods sold in Mexico. We exact no tariff on Mexican goods sold in the U.S. By imposing a tariff of 17 percent on Mexican goods sold here, Trump accomplishes three things: He fulfills his signature campaign promise of building a wall and having Mexico pay for it, he begins his policy initiative of reversing unfavorable trade deals, and he establishes an early precedent of leadership and achievement.

2) He lowers the corporate income tax of 35 percent, one of the highest among Western democracies, to 15 percent. This frees up capital for companies to expand and hire. And to pay for it, he reduces the "repatriation tax" of 35 percent to 15 percent on corporations' earnings abroad when they transfer the funds back to the U.S. This lowering of taxation will result in massive recovery of earnings abroad, and in addition to imposing a reasonable tax on those transfers, which the Treasury will recover, will also result in corporate hiring and expansion.

Not bad for starters.

Dan Cohen, Minneapolis

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I'm disappointed Trump won. But I'm keeping an open mind. In fact, I'm now excited to give Trump his chance to govern. Hopefully we'll all be impressed by what he delivers for America. But I ask those who voted for Trump to keep an open mind, too — his promises were not plans. So if he doesn't deliver, will you still vote on promises alone in the next election cycle?

If tax cuts and deregulation fail to double our economic growth, and instead add trillions to the debt and worsen America's uneven division of spoils, as projected, will you still believe in trickle-down economics?

If tariffs and walls fail to bring back jobs, and only raise our consumer prices, will you agree that investment in education and higher minimum wages might be the only way forward?

If repealing the Affordable Care Act fails to deliver affordable health plans, will you still believe that dismantling Obamacare is the answer to bringing down health-care costs? (Remember: A complete lack of regulation is what's given us the insane prices of prescription drugs in the first place.)

If Trump delivers on these things, I will be happy, because my partisan views are secondary to seeing America succeed. I am open to changing my mind on GOP economic principles. But if he doesn't deliver, will it finally be the nail in the coffin of Republican voodoo economics, for you?

David Johnson, Grand Rapids, Minn.