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Before spending big bucks, consider options

Where do you think those gorgeous, expensive prom dresses that are enjoyed, or not, for one eventful evening end up ("A guide to the best prom ever," March 28)? Thrift stores and consignment shops — at a fraction of the original price. There also are organizations that provide help in the prom department (find those online). All prospective promgoers should make a fun day checking out these places before heading to an expensive department store.

SUE KEARNS, Minneapolis
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We don't need to hear about his every move

How long do we need to endure reports about the extensive money being spent to move Denny Hecker all over the country ("What a long, strange trip it's getting to be for Denny Hecker," March 27)? I don't know about other readers, but I've seen all the "Where's Denny?" stories I need to see. I don't care where he is or what he's doing as long as it's time for his crimes. He's a common thief, so treat him like any other.

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She's a victim, so why highlight her faults?

I don't understand what Brittany Clardy's minor brushes with the law have to do with her brutal murder ("Family, friends struggle with St. Paul teen's slaying," March 27). In a tragedy of this magnitude, what is the point of dragging out every last traffic incident and curfew break? Let the family grieve in peace without trying to pin her actions to the cause of her death.

HEIDI SELTZ, Minneapolis
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Against abortion, yet favor assault weapons?

I was raised an evangelical Christian and have great respect for people of all faiths who work to preserve the sanctity of human life. I'm confused, however, by some who call themselves Christians. They use the Bible's commandment against killing to protest legalized abortion but also quote the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment as if it were Scripture. It seems inconsistent to claim "prolife" values but argue against efforts to limit sales of assault weapons, handguns and high-capacity magazines. These weapons have no use other than the destruction of human life.

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They're a draw for young St. Paul workers

I was excited to read about St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman's interest in expanding bike lanes ("Mayor: St. Paul growing stronger," March 26). As a college student, I know how important transit options are for attracting people who are entering the workforce. I would rather get some exercise and save money on gas than pay to sit in congestion twice a day (and I know many other St. Paul residents my age feel the same way). Ensuring safe, convenient bike lanes will improve the quality of life for residents and encourage young Minnesotans like me to stay in the area.

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NYPD's social media policy goes too far

I understand that the New York Police Department is worried about its reputation ("NYPD tells officers to keep social media clean," March 28). It's a well-known force where professionalism is taken seriously. Social media should be used appropriately by everyone, but the NYPD's new policies are extreme. For instance, officers aren't allowed to post pictures of themselves in uniform unless taken at promotion or awards ceremonies. This is wrong.

NIKKI STICHA, Cedar, Minn.
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More answers needed on e-gaming mess

A year too late, the Star Tribune discovers that the gambling projections used to promote a new stadium for the Vikings were faulty ("So far, state is losing its bet on e-gaming," March 26). Where was the newspaper when we were being sold this bill of goods? Oh yeah, that's right, as a prime advocate for the stadium. It would have hardly made sense to do investigative journalism at the time when it might have mattered.

TOM SALKOWSKI, Buffalo, Minn.

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Can anyone imagine a CEO entering into an agreement that obligated his company to millions of dollars of debt and relying upon an unproven scheme to recover costs? Of course not. That CEO would likely be terminated by his board of directors. Given the electronic pulltab games debacle, Minnesota residents deserve better leadership than what Gov. Mark Dayton has provided ("Dayton: We'll fix e-pulltab shortfall," March 27). He and his advisers acted negligently in depending on revenue sales forecasts by gambling businesses with a clear conflict of interest. The state's attorney general needs to examine the matter thoroughly.

MARV ROHRER, Monticello, Minn.

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Some who decry it have no room to talk

Heterosexuals shouldn't object to same-sex marriages when their own marriages last only half the time, which isn't good for children. Studies show children raised by same-sex parents do well because they come from secure homes.