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McLemore is the second-leading scorer for the Wildcats' girls' basketball team. She is averaging nearly 13 points per game for the 5-3 squad. Here is a closer look at McLemore, who is also a member of the volleyball and track teams:

Q The best movie you've seen in the last year?

A "The Hunger Games:  Mockingjay" or "Beyond the Lights."

Q Three words your friends or teammates would use to describe you are …

A … energetic, lively and loud.

Q What are your three favorite apps?

A Snapchat, iTube and Instagram.

Q Who do you like to follow the most on Twitter, and why?

A Cute Emergency. It's an animal account. It's really cute and makes me happy.

Q At my first varsity practice, I felt …

A … very nervous. I was shaking.

Q What did you work on most before the start of the season?

A Shooting.

Q I know I have an edge on an opponent when …

A … they start to cry.

Q What are your goals for the remainder of the basketball season?

A Hopefully, to go to the Class 4A tournament and improve my leadership on the court.

Q Name one sport you wish you could participate in that you don't?

A Hockey, so I could hit people.

Q How do you balance school and sports during the year?

A A lot of sleep during the day, and staying up late.

Q Who is your school's biggest rival and why?

A Eastview. To be honest, I have no idea why. Probably because they don't have a city.

Q Do you have a secret talent — and if so, what is it?

A I'm good at accents.

Q What is the best sports advice you ever received?

A Work hard.