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Day is one of the top boys' quarter-milers in the state. He qualified for the Class 2A state meet with a time of 49.68 seconds in the 400-meter dash. Here is a closer look at Day, who also is a football player for the Spartans:

Q: What is the best movie you've seen in the last year?

A: "Fast & Furious 7."

Q: Three words your friends and teammates would use to describe your are …

A: … goofy, hardworking and helpful.

Q: At your first varsity practice, you felt …

A: … very nervous, and kind of out of place.

Q: What is your favorite meal before a game or meet?

A: A banana and peanut butter sandwich.

Q: To get focused for a meet you …

A: … put in headphones, and clear my mind.

Q: What is your most memorable moment as a high school athlete?

A: Making it to the Class 2A state track meet my freshman year.

Q: Name one sport that you wish you could play, and why?

A: Lacrosse. It seems like a very fun sport, but is the same season as track.

Q: How do you balance school and sports during the year?

A: I try to use study hall time very efficiently.

Q: Favorite college or pro sports team and why?

A: The Cleveland Cavaliers. Wherever LeBron James is.

Q: In 10 years, you hope you're …

A: … married and living in a house somewhere down south.

Q: What is the best sports advice you ever received?

A: Don't worry about mistakes, and always give it your best.