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Awen and Kit Briem got engaged in the Minnesota Capitol right after the Senate voted to allow same-sex marriages in Minnesota. Kit showed off her engagement ring while the couple celebrated their engagement with friends at Mai Village restaurant in St. Paul, a mile away from the Capitol. They plan to marry August 1.

Senator Scott Dibble and Rep. Karen Clark received congratulatory hugs after passage of the bill 37-30.

GOP Senator Roger Chamberlain read the book Life Together, Classic Exploration of Faith, during much of the floor debate.

Senator Scott Dibble blew a kiss to husband Richard Leyva from the Senate floor to the Gallery.

Senator Scott Dibble's husband Richard Leyva listened as Dibble talked about their life together then Dibble blew him a kiss from the Senate floor.

On the top row Lee Anderson and William Fehrenbach held hands during the debate and bottom row Mike Stewart and John Larson held each other while Scott Dibble gave his wrap-up speech. They are with project 515, the effort to eliminate discrimination in the 515 laws that pertain to marriage in the state.

The Senate floor was packed with staff and DFL House members during the final stages of the historic debate and vote for the marriage bill.

Sen David Senjem listened to the floor debate, his desk covered with letters and pictures from advocates from both sides of the issue.

Two men prayed in the Senate visitors gallery during debate.

Republican Senators Paul Gazelka and Warren Limmer offered amendments and debate in opposition to the marriage bill.

Rep. Karen Clark took a photo of Sen. Scott Dibble as he introduced his bill on the Senate floor.

Opposing sides of the marriage debate passed in the Rotunda.

Advocates arrived at the Capitol long before debate started in the Senate.

Sen. Scott Dibble had a chance meeting with Rep. Karen Clark long before debate started.