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If running for president were easy, everybody could be president. But it's not. So premiering tonight at the Merrimack County GOP reception in Concord, N.H.: Tim Pawlenty's new video for "Courage to Stand,'" the book that's being widely received as his campaign autobiography.

Transcript: The United States of America is the most successful nation the world is ever known and I think that's largely because we're the freest nation.

Humans cannot reach their potential cannot realize their dreams unless they're free.

If prosperity were easy, everybody around the world would be prosperous. If freedom were easy, everybody around the world would be free. If security were easy, everybody around the world would be secure. They are not. None of this is gonna be easy, but this is the United States of America. I t takes an extraordinary effort, it takes extraordinary commitment, it takes extraordinary strength. Valley Forge wasn't easy. Going to the moon wasn't easy. Settling the West wasn't easy. We are the American people.

We have seen difficulties before and we always overcome them. This is about rolling up our sleeves, and we're going to have some differences but Americans are about getting it done.