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A remarkable absence of Titanic news this weekend. Last year was the hundredth anniversary, and that seems to have exhausted media interest in the subject. Too bad; this story didn't get much play. They found the violin played by the band as the ship sank.

In related news: another toilet-related problem for a cruise ship.

Everyone got a $50 voucher.

PAY UP TurboTax had some online problems yesterday, but everything's fine now. Don't worry. But wouldn't it be nice if the government just sent you a bill, saving you from the trials and traumas of tax day? The Verge notes:

If you're going to link to something you paraphrased, don't reuse words like "painstakingly," because they tend to stand out. Anyway, the Verge piece continues:

I'm not sure "popular" is the word. "Purchased with a heavy heart and a sullen, bitter acceptance of the miseries to come" might be better. Reserve "popular" for things people enjoy. If there's ever a home DIY Root-Canal kit, it might be frequently purchased, but it would never be popular.

WEB North Korea's various sites have been hijacked by Anonymous. CNET ponders:

"So far" suggests we're a few more hacked sites away from a change in government policy, which doesn't seem likely. Here's one of the images that greeted Nork viewers when they called up a webpage:

You wonder if Anonymous considered how many people got sent to the camps for letting that happen. Or seeing it in the first place.

UPDATE Recall the story about the NYC attempt to license costumed characters in Times Square? One reporter goes nside the dark, elmo-eat-elmo world of Times Square costumed tip-hustlers:

More here.

That's all for today; I have a cold, and it is cold, and it's April 15th, and there are workmen ripping up a wall in my house to fix a bathtub pipe from 1914. Things can only get better.