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Forest Lake senior Jessica Ramberg, considered one of the state's top divers, sheds a little light on her world.

Most memorable moment as a high school athlete? Taking third at state my junior year.

What is your first memory of diving? I was trying to learn a back dive tuck. First, I laid down on my back onto the mat and the girls lifted me up and slid me into the water. After a lot of those, I gradually started to jump backwards; eventually it turned into a back dive tuck.

Three things you couldn't dive without: The love of God, support from my family and something to keep me warm.

Guilty pleasure: I bring candy to all of my meets. If I don't have candy, I'll go get some.

Favorite dive? My favorite dive is a 405B (an inward 2 1/2 in the pike position) off a 10-meter platform. I've only done it twice, but ... I loved it. It's a cool feeling when you're falling so fast at about 30 feet high.

Small tip before a big meet: Always believe in yourself.

What's on your mind before a crucial dive? The things my coaches tell me. The key pointers that I need to focus on. [And] some pump-up words to myself.

Have you ever been scared while diving? Yes, usually when I'm about to try a new dive.

Secret talent: I am pretty good with computer technology skills. If there is something wrong, I'll work on it for however long I need to fix it.

One sacrifice you make during the season: Missing out on big events with family and friends.

If you couldn't dive, what would you do? Fencing. I like the gear that is worn and the intensive fighting sessions.