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When I was a kid running around the neighborhood in Morningside, I thought bleeding hearts were the coolest plant in the world.

We didn't grow any in my yard. But Mrs. McVeety, two doors down, had some in hers. I was always fascinated by the little pink hearts with white "teardrops" falling from them.

Nobody else in my little world grew bleeding hearts so they seemed very exotic to my 5-year-old eyes.

Whenever our spring lawn games spilled into Mrs. McVeety's yard, I would often stop what I was doing to admire her bleeding hearts.

I'm now probably older than Mrs. McVeety was, and I've had three yards and gardens of my own. But it never occurred to me to plant bleeding hearts. Until last year, when I saw a plant at a garden center and felt a wave of nostalgia wash over me. Suddenly I was back in Morningside, with scabby knees and freckles, playing "Statue Maker" and "Red Light, Green Light" at twilight with a pack of neighbor kids.

I impulsively bought the bleeding heart, took it home and planted it in my garden. When it came up this spring, it made me smile. There were the little pink hearts, just like I remembered. What took me so long?

How about you? What plants do you remember fondly from childhood? And which ones have you planted in your own garden?