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The latest offering in the Unchained series, Herkulean Woods is an Imperial California Common Lager that utilizes some local ingredients such as maple syrup from Lutsen, spruce tips from a farm in Iowa, and even locally grown malts. This brew was created by Christian Dixon and this is his inaugural attempt in the Unchained lineup.

The beer sports a beautiful amber hue with bread and Belgian candy sugars in the nose. The flavor itself starts off a little sweet but finishes with some alcohol and bitterness from the hops and the slightly piney spruce tips. The complex flavors really benefit from about 15 minutes of warming up so don't be shy in pulling this one out of the fridge a bit early.

Better yet grab this one on your way to a backyard fire and enjoy with friends outdoors under the beautiful stars.

By the numbers:

ABV: 8.2%

IBUs: 77

Malts: Harrington, Lacey, and Caramel

Hops: Hercules, Northern Brewer, and Exp 05256

Yeast strain: California Common

Kettle additions: Maple syrup and spruce tips
