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I have to tell this story on myself. I rented one of those cars that has the push-button starter. So yesterday, I park outside Bradley Center, get out, and lock up my car with the key fob (actually, the key-less fob.)

That's what we do, right? We take our keys with us, and worry only about avoiding locking ourselves out of our cars.

So...10 hours later, I return to the parking lot, and as I near my guessed's still running. And the doors are unlocked, apparently because the car doesn't allow itself to be locked while it's still running.

So anybody who wanted a white Nissan Sentra yesterday could have walked up, opened the door and driven off. Maybe thieves thought it was a Toyota, and were afraid to take it.

Music notes: My new favorite TV show is Elvis Costello's Spectacle. While I certainly love a good journalist-driven interview, there is nothing like hearing Costello talk about songwriting and the power of music with everyone from Lyle Lovett to Bono to Springsteen.

Somehow, Elvis and I developed pretty much exactly the same musical tastes - everything from Sam & Dave to Lucinda Williams to The Clash.

Also: I caught a couple of cool shows on PBS last night - a Roy Orbison retrospective and the TAMI Show, which features spectacular sets from James Brown, Marvin Gaye, Smokey Robinson & The Miracles, and the Beach Boys.

Know what band interests me less the more I watch it? The Rolling Stones. I watched the documentary ``Let's Spend The Night Together" and I got no sense of love for the music, only that for this group, rock-n-roll was a great way to make a lot of money.

I'm at Bradley Center this morning with Myron Medcalf, getting ready for the Gophers-Xavier game.

We've heard the rumors about Tubby Smith leaving for Auburn, and I can tell you on good authority that I have no idea what he's going to do.

I'll also say this: In the era of instantaneous rumor-mongering, I don't care who has the story first, who tweets or blogs or facebooks or writes it before everyone else. I'm very happy to wait for someone I trust to write something definitive.

I don't think Tubby is going to stay in Minneapolis until his retirement, and I do expect him to end up with a Southern school in a power conference. But I don't know if Auburn is a good fit.

Who knows what Tubby thinks? He's not going to tell us.

It was interesting, though, that he was so effusive in his praise of Minnesota as a school and a place to live and work in yesterday's press conference. Again, I don't know how to read that.

Upcoming: I'll be blogging and tweeting from Bradley Center today. Myron and I shot a video yesterday for, and we'll shoot another this afternoon.

Sunday Sports Talk will feature Fay Vincent, Bloomington native and former Sports Illustrated star Steve Rush (who has written a new book, Pint Man) and his buddy and mine, FSN basketball analyst and friend of Bill Self Mike McCollow.

We'll start with the Ron Gardenhire show at 9:30, then go into SunSportsTalk.

Also, you can follow me on Twitter at SouhanStrib.