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A bipartisan group of ­Minnesota legislators will travel to Israel and the West Bank this week.

Seven lawmakers, including House Speaker Melissa Hortman, are participating in the trip, which is coordinated by the Jewish Community Relations Council. The itinerary includes tours of Israel's parliament, the Palestinian Authority headquarters and several Christian and Jewish holy sites. Other stops are meant to highlight environmental and security concerns.

"This region holds special significance to Christians, Jews and Muslims. As a Catholic, I'm especially looking forward to seeing sites central to my faith," Hortman, a Democrat from Brooklyn Park, said in a statement. "I'm also looking forward to learning more about the complex political and security issues facing Israel and the region."

The itinerary for the 12-day trip, which runs Dec. 2 to 13, includes visits to Medtronic Israel and two areas designated as partner communities to Minneapolis and St. Paul.

Lawmakers will pay their own way for the travels, according to Hortman.