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Best of MN thinks we need Minnesota Emojis, and how can you disagree? Here are the suggested tiny pictures designed to express complex emotions as efficiently as possible:

The Prince emoji would come in handy on those days when you just feel like yanking all your music from Spotify.

YUM You may wonder if Dunkin' Donuts sells sandwiches in India. They do. You may ask how they're advertised. Well:

It gets worse. It gets much, much worse.

Yum. This is from Lucky Peach, a food website that seems interested in reaching a broad audience, or perhaps just hired by mistake a bunch of people who do not regard the keyboard as a whetstone on which their axes are to be ground. Here's a segment from a piece on the fast food of Pompeii:

That last item could form the basis of a parody version of Moon River. You write it. I can't get past the first two lines.

GROOVY The golden age of the Hippies - you know, the Summer of Love, the Flower Power stuff, the innocent days before they were co-opted by mainstream culture - lasted about 47 minutes. Then someone brought the drugs. "The Death of the Hippies" is a reminder that the people who filled those picturesque photos of San Francisco streetlight lived dire lives. But for some reason it's still regarded as a time of lost innocence and ideals.

ARCHITECTURE Is it possible for a building to be more beautiful in a ruined state than it was when it was new? Of course, if it A) it was a piece of junk from the start, and B) the photographer has the skill of Nick Cobb. Some of these look like old engravings of Europeans standing amidst great Roman ruins. Except the pictures aren't aqueducts of temples. He's shooting a car park. (via Coudal.)

Votd A compendium of cliches: The Association of Obscure Organizations. Assembled entirely with stock footage, and utilizing every tiresome trope: the Serious Voice over people laughing, the clappy-whistling-strumming twee indie background music, the nasal voiceover person whose lack of professional abilities is supposed to connote authenticity to her peer group.

The Association of Obscure Associations from Dissolve on Vimeo.