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The Minneapolis school board will take final public comments starting Tuesday on its controversial redistricting plan.

The comments, which can be submitted in writing or by voice mail, are for the board meeting May 12 that may include the final vote on the plan. Comments that meet the guidelines and are submitted between noon Tuesday and noon Thursday will be posted on the board's website Monday for the board and public to review.

The redistricting proposal would redraw attendance boundaries and relocate magnet schools to the center of the city to distribute resources more equitably and address a potential $20 million budget shortfall. It would also cut some of the district's most popular programs and shift many students to new schools in the process.

Before the pandemic, hundreds of parents and teachers packed school board meetings to weigh in on the proposed changes. Parents and teachers carried signs to the meetings and applauded speakers who shared similar views on the redistricting plan.

Comments can be left by voice mail. The first 100 voice mails left (maximum of two minutes each) that meet the guidelines will be played during the May 12 meeting. Written comments will be limited to 200 words. A form can be found on the district website.

Messages submitted in Spanish, Somali or Hmong will be posted along with an English translation. Comments will be posted if they include a name and the person's relationship to the school district.

David Chanen • 612-673-4465