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A Republican candidate for mayor of Minneapolis who says he was denied a chance to file both his party and his political principle below his name on the city ballot is seeking a judge's ruling that would force the city to accept both.

Robert Carney Jr., representing himself, has served the legal action on the city, although he said he is still trying to raise the money for the filing fee for Hennepin County District Court.

Although Carney is a Republican, the party has endorsed Papa John Kolstad, who also has the Independence Party's endorsement.

Carney said city election officials denied him the right to label himself a "moderate progressive Republican" on the Nov. 3 ballot, telling him that the city charter allows him to list a political party or principle, but not both. Carney then filed under the label "moderate progressive censored."

"I was trying my darnedest to accommodate him and I had the city attorney with me every step of the way," said Patrick O'Connor, the city's interim election director.