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The term "Schadenfreude," used to mean "pleasure in the misfortunes of others," now means "reading reviews of M. Night Shyamalan's latest movie." You can put up with large egos and vanity projects and still enjoy an artist's work, but when their pet project turns out to be a "thriller" about trees killing people, and the director seems to be siding with the trees, well, your enthusiasm for his work diminishes somewhat. Still, some people had a lot invested "Airbender," since the cartoon source is much-beloved. If this movie was great, there might be lots more.

Nope. Last night Rotten Tomatoes had the flick at six percent, and here's a hint: if your rating is approximately the same as Kate Moss' body-fat percentage: it's not a good sign. "The most well-rounded failure of the year" is about the most positive comment I can find. Critics are struggling to find ways to describe its inertness:

Well, leave it to Ebert:

Moviefone has a poll up: what should he do next? One of the suggestions is "Work on the next Indiana Jones sequel!" Really. More equally bad ideas can be found here.